
Business Card Dod Department Of Defense Logo Government Contractor Download Image Updated

Business Card Dod Department Of Defense Logo Government Contractor Download Image

Overview Overview

The Defence Department Brand Guide was developed to ensure a shared visual experience that reinforces DOD'south identity and core priorities.

The foundation of the department'due south brand is the DOD Mission Statement:

The Department of Defense provides the armed services forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation'due south security.


The purpose of this guide is to ensure that no matter how people engage with the DOD – on the website, via email or U.S. mail, through social media, livestream broadcasts or photographs – they are left with an impression that accurately reflects the department's brand identity and mission.

Forcefulness. Courage. Discipline. Accountability. Integrity. Multifariousness.

The section shares the DOD story daily through official statements and a variety of informational products, engaging with many audiences around the world. Communicators should refer to this guide for right apply of the DOD brand in all communications from inception to production and commitment, in all media.

Symbols of the DOD Brand

Delight click here for of import information and guidelines about the employ of Section of Defense seals, logos, insignia, and service medals.

The DOD Seal

DOD Seal

The DOD seal was first authorized for official use on Aug. 22, 1949, by Defense Secretary Louis Johnson, when the National Military Institution was redesignated the Department of Defense. The design of the seal and its symbolism is described in Appendix Half-dozen Joint Regular army and Air Force Bulletin No. 23:

"An American eagle is displayed facing to the correct. Wings are horizontal. The eagle grasps three crossed arrows and bears on its breast a shield whose lower two-thirds carries alternating white and red stripes and whose upper third is blue. Above the eagle is an arc of 13 stars with alternating rays. Below the hawkeye is a wreath of laurel extending to the eagle'south right and wreath of olive extending to the hawkeye'southward left. On an encircling band is the inscription 'Department of Defence force' and 'U.s.a. of America.'

The American bald eagle, long associated with symbolism representing the United States of America and its military establishment, has been selected as an emblem of strength. In facing to the right, the field of honour is indicated. The eagle is defending the United States, represented by the Shield of thirteen pieces. The thirteen pieces are joined together by the blue main, representing the Congress. The rays and stars in a higher place the eagle signify glory, while the three arrows are collectively symbolic of the three component parts of the Department of Defence. The laurel stands for honors received in combat defending the peace represented by the olive branch.

When the seal is displayed in color, the background is to be of medium blue with the hawkeye and wreath in natural colors and the arrows, stars, and rays of gilt. The encircling band is to exist dark blueish with aureate edges and letters in white."

Elements of the DOD Brand


The fundamental components of DOD's visual brand identity — logos, typography and colors — should be used consistently beyond all platforms and media to reinforce and protect the brand.

Three items are critical to proper DOD visual branding:

  1. The DOD/Pentagon logo, which is the official, approved combination of the Pentagon icon and logotype.
  2. Typography, which consists of an approved family of typefaces for both digital and print content.
  3. Color palette, which consists of the approved palette and usage of specific colors.


Vocalism is the character of the brand and does not change. The DOD voice is straightforward, advisory and authoritative.

To best convey the DOD voice, communicators should speak and write in a clear, authentic, concise and authoritative, though not necessarily formal, manner.


The tone of the DOD voice should be driven by audience, context and platform. A report posted on the website would necessarily include information and charts and more than formal language, while feature content on the website may exist written in a more conversational fashion and include videos and photos.


Consistent use of the proper name of an entity and its representative acronym strengthen and reinforce brand identity.

Using DOD Voice and Tone

Applying the DOD phonation and tone consistently in all communications is an essential role of reinforcing the make:

  • Utilise Active Voice - avert passive voice.
  • Write/Speak Conspicuously – utilize complete concise sentences; refer to the Official DOD Plain Language Website at https://world wide as needed.
  • Use Plain English - avoid slang, jargon or acronyms.
  • Write With Potency – DOD is the country's adept in defense and security.

Associated Press Style: For consistency in give-and-take usage throughout re-create, products and department communications, DOD communicators should refer to the Associated Printing Stylebook, the reader-friendly manufacture standard in journalism and public affairs writing. (Run into https://world wide Be sure to cantankerous-check discussion usage with dissever, relevant DOD way guides for exceptions to AP Stylebook rules.

Utilise of Name

"U.South. Department of Defense force" and "Section of Defence force" refer to the proper name and legal entity of this chiffonier-level government department. Reserve these for employ in formal and official correspondence, documents, reports and testimony.

In all other cases, use "Defense Department" on first reference.

The correct acronym for "Defense Department" as used on the flagship website, which uses the AP Style as standard, is "DOD" with an uppercase "O" in the center; use on 2nd reference afterwards "Defence Department" or when the stand-lone acronym suffices depending upon utilize. Exercise NOT use "DoD."

The correct acronym for "Defense Department" in official written department communications, including just not express to news releases, speeches, transcripts etc., including those published on, is "DoD" with a lowercase "o," Do NOT utilize "DOD" in these types of products.

Use of DOD Brand Symbols

The DOD logo and seal are protected past constabulary from unauthorized utilize. The 1946 Lanham Act, sometimes called the Trademark Deed, and other trademark and licensing acts give DOD, its components and the armed forces services authorization to protect and license their names, insignia, seals, symbols, etc. Consequently, when the DOD logo and seal are used without authorization, the department may take appropriate action upon notification.

The DOD Logo

The logo may exist used, in keeping with brand standards, in all DOD communications across all media platforms.

The DOD Seal

The DOD seal'due south use is restricted to official DOD tiptop leader correspondence, legal documents, reports, memoranda, ceremonial booklets, certificates and awards.

Business Card Dod Department Of Defense Logo Government Contractor Download Image

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